Terms and Conditions

Generous5.com is a service defined as an online store. By purchasing on the Generous5.com website (hereinafter referred to as “Generous 5”), the buyer enters into a contract with the company DPWB s.r.o. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”), agreeing to the Terms and Conditions, User License, and Privacy Policy. By checking the box “I have read the general terms and conditions and agree to them *” in the CHECKOUT section, sending and paying for the Order, the User concludes a purchase contract with the Company, the content of which is identical to these terms and conditions.

Who can shop on Generous 5

  • Only individuals who have reached the age of 21 by the date of purchase, meet the conditions/rules of shopping, and who are not excluded from participating in shopping by any provision of the terms and conditions, can shop on jeseteration.online. 
  • In case of doubt about the age of a purchaser who has gained the right to a gift with purchase, the Company reserves the right to request the presentation of appropriate identification proving that the person has reached the age of 21.
  • Persons who are in an employment relationship or in a relationship similar to employment with the Company, with a contractual partner of the Company, and other individuals who are directly involved in activities related to the operation of Jeseteration, as well as their close associates, are not permitted to shop. If a gift with purchase is claimed by such an excluded individual, the gift will not be delivered. If a gift has been delivered to such a person, they are obligated to return the gift to the Company immediately without a written request from the Company, or compensate the Company for the full value of the corresponding gift.
  • Only a person who has a registered TikTok account from which they are following the account jeseter.official is allowed to shop on Jeseteration.

Definition of the JeseTicket Product

  • A JeseTicket is a virtual product created as a tool for building a community associated with the TikTok account jeseter.official; the Instagram account Jeseter, the YouTube account jeseter.official, and their operator (hereinafter referred to as “Jeseter”). The community is understood as the creation of audiovisual material available to Jeseter’s followers, with which viewers can interact. Building the community means expressing interest in the content that has been and will be created.
  • When purchasing JeseTickets, the User does not do so with the primary intention of earning profits or receiving gifts arising from owning JeseTickets with a certain serial number based on promotions and bonuses to orders. The User shops on Jeseteration with the intention of building the community and gaining the benefits and rewards that are described in the product description of “JeseTicket.”
  • Using or redeeming JeseTickets means the User contacts the Company, indicating how many of their JeseTickets they wish to use to claim a particular reward. In such cases, the User contacts the company via email at info@jeseteration.online. The Company then responds to the email within 7 working days. Depending on the number of JeseTickets owned, the User can redeem them for the following rewards:
  • 1 JeseTicket

If a User owns 1 JeseTicket, they can redeem it as a ticket to events where a certain number of entries will be allowed only for JeseTicket holders. Such events could be an exclusive party, a discussion group, a talk show, a concert, a celebration, and more… Information about the occurrence of such an event will be announced publicly, at least 7 days before the event takes place. Such events may occur at any time.

  • 10 JeseTicketov

If a User owns 10 JeseTickets, they can redeem them to receive 10 “Like” markings on Instagram posts from their Instagram profile by the Jeseter Instagram profile. If the user has fewer than 10 posts on their Instagram profile at the moment of requesting this reward, all posts will receive a Like, but the reward does not apply to subsequently added posts.

  • 25 JeseTicketov

If a User owns 25 JeseTickets, they can redeem them to receive 10 “Like” markings on TikTok posts from their TikTok profile by the jeseter.official profile. If the user has fewer than 10 posts on their profile at the moment of requesting this reward, all posts will receive a Like, but the reward does not apply to subsequently added posts.

  • 50 JeseTicketov

A User may use 50 JeseTickets for the Jeseter Instagram profile to share one of the User’s Instagram posts to its Story. Such a post will be featured in the story for 24 hours from the moment of sharing. It is at the discretion of the Jeseter account manager to choose which post to share. Such a Story may be supplemented by the Jeseter account with music, text, or other modifications available on Instagram.

  • 75 JeseTicketov

A User can use 75 JeseTickets to get their Instagram account followed by the Jeseter account. The duration of the follow, during which the Jeseter account will be following the User’s account, is 30 calendar days. After this time, the Jeseter account may or may not continue to follow the User’s account. During the follow, the Jeseter account may but is not obligated to interact with the User’s account.

  • 100 JeseTicketov

A User can redeem 100 JeseTickets to receive a 30-second (+-5 seconds) audio recording. It could be a greeting, a birthday or success wish, or another type of content based on the User’s preferences. The recording can be used by the User after delivery as needed. However, the User must inform the Company prior to delivery of the recording how it will be used. The content must adhere to general rules of decency, be in line with moral standards, comply with the laws and regulations of the Slovak Republic, and have an optimistic character. It is prohibited to edit such a recording in any way, insert it into a context that could negatively impact Jeseter or third parties, change the primary meaning of the recording, use it in a way that could adversely affect someone, copy, sell, or donate it. Any publication of the recording is conditional upon the Company’s consent. For misuse of the recording or its use outside the rules stated in these terms and conditions, the User will pay the Company a penalty of €2,000.

  • 200 JeseTicketov

A User can redeem 200 JeseTickets to receive a 30-second (+-5 seconds) audio-visual recording. It could be a greeting, a birthday or success wish, or another type of content based on the User’s preferences. The recording can be used by the User after delivery as needed. However, the User must inform the Company prior to delivery of the recording how it will be used. The content of the recording must adhere to general rules of decency, be in line with moral standards, comply with the laws and regulations of the Slovak Republic, and have an optimistic character. It is prohibited to edit such a recording in any way, insert it into a context that could negatively impact Jeseter or third parties, change the primary meaning of the recording, use it in a way that could adversely affect someone, copy, sell, or donate it. Any publication of the recording is conditional upon the Company’s consent. For misuse of the recording or its use outside the rules stated in these terms and conditions, the User will pay the Company a penalty of €2,000.

  • 500 JeseTicketov

A User can use 500 JeseTickets to get their TikTok account followed by the jeseter.official account. The duration of the follow, during which the jeseter.official account will be following the User’s account, is 30 calendar days. After this time, the jeseter.official account may or may not continue to follow the User’s account. During the follow, the Jeseter account may but is not obligated to interact with the User’s account.

  • 1000 JeseTicketov

The owner of 1000 G-tickets can exchange them for an original wallpaper with the dimensions of 1920×1080 pixels. The wallpaper will be delivered via email.

The granting of any reward may be denied if such granting would lead to illegal actions, harm or disrespect to third parties, damage to reputation, disruption of the continuity of creation within Jeseter, or any other process that leads to the violation of general and legally established norms.

  • JeseTickets are also defined as virtual products, ownership of which can be exclusively acquired in the online store jeseteration.online.
  • The owner of a JeseTicket becomes the person whose correctly entered personal information (first name, last name, residence, email address, telephone number) was filled out when placing the order, and this order was subsequently properly paid in full.
  • JeseTickets are exclusive goods, each with its unique serial number.
  • JeseTickets primarily serve to build a community and may also be used for collecting purposes, strengthening integrity within a certain social group, or for entertainment.
  • JeseTickets can be exchanged for rewards within Jeseteration but are not an official currency that will bring the User benefit anywhere else within Jeseteration.
  • In a single purchase, a User can become the owner of a maximum of 50000 G-Tickets.
  • Upon completion of the Order, the user is immediately shown information about the G-Tickets they have just acquired. At the same time, the user receives information about the specific G-Tickets obtained to the email address entered when creating the order.
  • When creating an order, the User always enters truthful, authentic, and current information. Providing any false or misleading information within Genorous 5 is defined as a gross violation of the terms and conditions.
  • All G-Tickets are securely stored on the company’s servers throughout their existence, with access limited to the Company and authorized persons. Each G-Ticket corresponds to a text document in the form “G-Ticket·20000,” where the number after “·” depends on the serial number of the specific G-Ticket within the entire sequence. However, upon completion of the order, the User receives information about which G-Tickets they own. With this information, they can dispose, and the email received after paying for the order serves as proof of ownership of the specific G-Tickets.
  • Information about which G-Tickets a User owns and what serial numbers these G-Tickets have is information intended exclusively for the User. The User does not publish or otherwise disseminate information about which G-Tickets they own. Likewise, they do not modify or change any information provided by Genorous 5.
  • The User cannot edit, resell, gift, or dispose of the actual G-Tickets in any other way. Each G-Ticket is marked with a unique serial number.
  • G-Tickets are arranged from the smallest serial number to the highest. The User who has just entered a successful order becomes the owner of the available G-Tickets in the order in which they are arranged. Once a User becomes the owner of a G-Ticket with a certain serial number, this G-Ticket is no longer and will not be available to other Users. The chronologically next purchaser will receive G-Tickets that follow in the overall sequence after the G-Ticket with the highest number within the previous order created on genorous5.online.
  • The operator of Genorous 5, the Company, or persons authorized to process information within Genorous 5, do not disclose the specific status of purchases or information about which G-Tickets and with which serial numbers already have their owners.

Gifts, Promotions, and Bonuses for Purchasing JeseTickets

  • The Company may add a gift to the paid order of JeseTickets for the User that is of a lower, same, or higher value than the paid price of this order or the total price of orders that the User has created on Jeseteration overall.
  • For the milestone JeseTicket with the serial number 20000 (in words: twenty thousand), the Company gifts the owner of this JeseTicket a cash amount of €2,000 (in words: two thousand euros) (hereinafter referred to as “the gift”). Thus, the owner of JeseTicket number 20000 is entitled to the gift. This gift will be delivered to the User in cash based on a donation agreement that both parties (User and Company) must sign before the donation. The contract is drawn up in accordance with the third chapter of the civil code in § 628 to 630 of this law.
  • The right to this gift arises for the User at the moment they successfully complete an order in which they have correctly filled out the order form and as a result become the owner of JeseTicket number 20000. Information on whether they have become the owner of this JeseTicket will be received on the store’s page shortly after payment and will also be delivered in the form of an email message. This message can also be used as confirmation of ownership of specific JeseTickets. If the User is registered, they can check the information about owned JeseTickets in their profile.
  • For the milestone JeseTicket with the serial number 30000, the Company gifts the owner of this JeseTicket a cash amount of €3,000 (hereinafter referred to as “the gift”). Thus, the owner of JeseTicket number 30000 is entitled to the gift. This gift will be delivered to the User in cash based on a donation agreement that both parties (User and Company) must sign before the donation. The contract is drawn up in accordance with the third chapter of the civil code in § 628 to 630 of this law.
  • The right to this gift arises for the User at the moment they successfully complete an order in which they have correctly filled out the order form and as a result become the owner of JeseTicket number 20000. Information on whether they have become the owner of this JeseTicket will be received on the store’s page shortly after payment and will also be delivered in the form of an email message. This message can also be used as confirmation of ownership of specific JeseTickets. If the User is registered, they can check the information about owned JeseTickets in their profile.
  • The distribution of gifts primarily serves as a tool for promoting Jeseteration and JeseTickets, as well as for the entertainment of Users.
  • The delivery of the gift may be accompanied by the creation of a video or other form of audiovisual record of the act of delivering the gift. This record will be created by the Company. The record may feature the legitimate recipient of the gift, the signing of the donation agreement, and the process of delivering the gift. The record or its part may subsequently be processed by the company, edited, and modified using audio-visual effects, cuts, transitions, texts, etc., and published according to the needs of the Company – especially on the TikTok profile jeseter.official; Instagram profile jeseter; YouTube channel jeseter.official. The processed or raw record may also be provided by the company to third parties or it may be used for the creation of other audiovisual works that may extend beyond the environment of social networks – for example, its use in the creation of a film or television show.
  • If a User discovers that they have become entitled to a gift, they must contact the company immediately by email at info@jeseteration.online. At the same time, if the Company notes that a User has become entitled to a gift, it will actively reach out to this user using the phone number (call and/or SMS) that the User provided when placing the order, using the email address provided when creating the order, or as a response to the email that the User sent in relation to their entitlement to the gift. If the Company and the User connect by phone or through another audiovisual transmission, this call may be recorded both audibly and visually, and the recording may be used as part of the act of delivering the gift, as described above. If the User entitled to a gift does not respond to the call, SMS, or email from the company that directly relate to the delivery of the gift within 7 calendar days, their right to receive the gift is forfeited. The User who has earned the right to a gift should, upon request by the Company, provide information including their first name, last name, permanent address, contact address, date of birth, and the address where they want the gift to be physically delivered, or alternatively the IBAN account number where they wish to receive the gift. If for any reason it is not possible for the User to accept the gift within Slovakia, this User is obliged to officially authorize a person who will accept the gift on their behalf. They must provide the Company with truthful information that they have authorized such a person no later than 7 calendar days from the moment they informed the Company that they are unable to personally accept the gift – If this does not occur, the User’s right to the gift is forfeited.
  • The Company is authorized at any time before the delivery of the gift to increase the gift by any amount, which will be added to the sum that the gift currently represents. In the event that the Company cannot contact the User entitled to the gift due to a mistake by the User, the entire amount of the gift may be transferred to the gift that will be delivered with the next milestone JeseTicket.
  • The Company is also authorized at any time to change the amount of the cash gift or increase it by any bonus amount, which will be added to the original value of the gift. The Company must announce this information before a User becomes entitled to receive the gift.
  • The Company reserves the right before the delivery of any gift to request the User entitled to the gift to demonstrate that they are indeed the person meant to receive the gift according to the information provided when placing the order. The User may prove their identity, for example, with a valid ID card. In disputed cases, the Company reserves the right to make a final decision on the delivery of the gift.
  • The Company will deliver the gift to the User upon the signing of the donation agreement after deducting the applicable tax.
  • In the event that the gift cannot be delivered to the User or if the User does not claim the gift from the Company within 7 days from the day of the unsuccessful attempt to contact or deliver the gift, the User loses the right to receive the gift.
  • All gifts represent a gift before taxation.
  • A gift obtained as a purchase gift on Genorous5.online may be subject to income tax as other income under § 8 para. 1 letter i) of Act No. 595/2003 Coll. on income tax as amended by later regulations, except for gifts worth not exceeding 350 EUR, which are exempt from tax in accordance with § 9 para. 2 letter m) point 2 of the income tax act.
  • In case a user wins something: The Company, in accordance with § 43 para. 3 letter c) of the income tax act, will withhold income tax at the rate of 19% from the main cash prize at the time of the prize payout. If the prize is paid out, transferred, or credited to a taxpayer of a non-contracting state according to § 2 letter x) of the income tax act, a tax rate of 35% will be applied. The organizer is not responsible for fulfilling or failing to fulfill the tax obligations of a tax non-resident or a taxpayer with limited tax liability arising from the country in which they are a tax resident.
  • In addition to the gift of 5000€ associated with a G-ticket numbered 50000, Genorous 5 also donates a mobile phone. When placing an order, the User may indicate their interest in the mobile phone and state the reason why it should be gifted to them. Before or after a User obtains a G-ticket with number 50000, the company will carefully review all orders that have been successfully submitted and paid up to that point. The company will select one of the applicants for the phone, who will then be gifted with the mobile phone. The company will make a subjective decision on the gifting based on the reasons provided by the Users when placing the order. The delivery of the mobile phone is governed by the conditions described in the section “Gifts, Promotions, and Bonuses for Purchasing G-tickets,” however, this gift is associated with any G-ticket except for those with a serial number higher than 1 and lower than 50000.
  • The Company may also contact the user by phone or email based on the information provided when placing the order. Such a conversation may be recorded and used to create publicly available media content. Based on such a conversation, the User may become entitled to a gift.


  • Registration occurs by completing the registration form with the required information (user email address) and then creating a password, which the applicant creates after clicking on a link sent to the registration email address. Upon confirming registration, a user account is created in the Company’s System (hereinafter referred to as the “System”), which allows for more convenient shopping of products, payment, and viewing of previous orders. When shopping, a registered individual becomes a user of the System (hereinafter referred to as “User”). However, a purchaser who is not registered is also considered a User. Purchases on Genorous 5 are also possible without registration.
  • A registered individual is entitled to create no more than one personal user account. The Company reserves the right to cancel any additional personal user accounts of a single registered individual.
  • By registering, the User declares that the information provided in the registration form is true, and consents to the Terms and Conditions and to the processing of personal data for the marketing, administrative, and statistical purposes of the Company in accordance with applicable personal data protection laws and the Privacy Policy.
  • During registration, the User can choose whether they wish to receive regular informational emails from the Company with news, contests, discounts, or other marketing activities. This decision can be changed at any time in the user profile (hereinafter referred to as “Profile”), which is accessible to the User after logging into the System.
  • Access to the System is enabled by entering the registration email address and password set during registration. The password can be changed at any time in the Profile. The User is responsible for protecting their password against disclosure and for any consequences related to its potential misuse.
  • The Company reserves the right to request the User to change their password in case of finding it to be insufficiently secure, or if there is suspicion of account misuse by an unauthorized third party.
  • The User may terminate the contract at any time, but without the possibility of a refund for Services or Products already provided, except in cases specified in the Company’s complaint conditions.

Services and Products

  • The User may purchase virtual products through the System, which come with text and image files. The User receives confirmation of ownership of the specific purchased products. However, the actual products may not be provided to them in an image or other sensory-perceptible form. Should there be a necessity to perform any actions related to the ownership of the products, the User will be granted ownership rights based on the received confirmation and text files they have received in connection with the acquisition of the product ownership.
  • The services of the Company are operated by DPWB s.r.o., with its registered office at Kuzmányho 2, Lučenec 98401.
  • The User acknowledges that the photos of the Products in the Company’s System are for illustrative purposes only and do not represent the actual Product.
  • The User acknowledges that the Product is an intangible, digital product and may be stored on the company’s servers for the duration of its existence.

Orders and Purchasing

  • The User places orders for Products through the Company’s System (hereinafter referred to as the “System”). After the order is received, the User is redirected to the payment interface, where they select one of the offered payment methods and confirm the payment.
  • If it is feasible for the user, when making a cashless payment by bank transfer, the User is obliged to specify the variable symbol designated by the Company.
  • If any of the payment methods includes information about the costs of executing such a payment, the User is required to bear the costs of making such a payment, which are specified at the time of the User’s order for the given payment.
  • The ordered Products become available to the User after the successful completion of the payment transaction, which is reported to the System by the operator of the payment interface. Until positive confirmation of the payment is received, the User does not have the right to claim ownership of Products from the Company’s System.
  • The tax document for the purchased Products is available to the User in their Profile or in their email inbox in electronic form.


  • All prices listed in the Company’s System include VAT.
  • Due to a technical error in the Company’s System, the purchase price displayed for Products may significantly deviate from the usual market price for such a Product. In such a case, the Company is not obliged to supply the Product at the displayed purchase price. Instead, the Company will contact the User and inform them of the actual purchase price of the Product, and the User has the right to decide whether to accept the Product at the actual purchase price or not.
  • The purchase price for the Products does not include any payments, fees, or other charges that the User must incur for services provided by third parties in connection with the payment of the purchase price for the Products. Such costs are solely the responsibility of the User.
  • Prevádzkovateľ má právo poskytnúť Užívateľovi zľavu z ceny Produktu. Zľavy z ceny Produktu nie je možné vzájomne kombinovať, pokiaľ nie je výslovne uvedené inak.

Purchased Products and Content

  • By purchasing the Products, the User acquires ownership rights to the Products and is required to access them in accordance with the User License.
  • At the moment of sale, all purchased Products are marked with a unique number so that they can be assigned to the User at any time. The User agrees to such labeling and is aware of the implications of such labeling. The User also agrees not to make any modifications to or attempt to remove the labeling from the Product.
  • The User must not copy, reproduce, distribute, or make available the acquired Products or the confirmation of their ownership to third parties. The User also must not modify or use the Product or the confirmation of its ownership in a manner that is incompatible with the scope of the rights granted. If a breach of these rights is discovered, the Company will be compelled to terminate contracts with the User with immediate effect and proceed against the User with all legal means available.
  • All content of the Company’s System (hereinafter referred to as “Content”) is protected by international licensing and copyright law and trademark protection rights. The rights are owned by the Company and licensors, i.e., third parties that provide Products to which they own the licenses.
  • All user-added content to the Company’s System (such as reviews, comments, ratings) becomes the content of the Company. The Company has the right not to publish such content in whole or in part or to completely reject it. The Company also reserves the right to assess the appropriateness and relevance of user-added content for the purposes of the System’s operation as well as for its Users.

Gifting of the Purchased Product

  • The User is not authorized to gift or resell the acquired products to another natural or legal person.


  • The Company is not responsible for accidental, indirect, or consequential damages caused by the outage, interruption, or inability to use the Services towards Users or third parties.
  • The Company is not responsible for any damages caused on websites that may be accessible through the Company’s website, or conversely, may lead users via a link to the Company’s website. Websites other than the Company’s website are not under the control and influence of the Company, and therefore the Company has no control over their content or operation. The Company also does not accept responsibility for the content and use of websites that may link to the Company’s website.
  • The Company is not responsible for damages caused to the User or third parties in the event of an outage or interruption of the provided Services.
  • The Company reserves the right to temporarily restrict or completely disable the Service without prior notice to Users due to maintenance, repair, or modernization.
  • The Company is not responsible for malfunctions caused by third parties, such as internet and telecommunications service providers or electricity suppliers. This category also includes malfunctions caused by incorrect configuration on the part of the User, computer viruses, or restrictions over which the Company has no control.
  • The Company is not responsible for damages caused by the misuse of the User’s personal data if the loss or leakage occurred on the User’s side.
  • The Company does not take responsibility for impulsive or unconsidered purchases. The User assumes full responsibility for damages caused by such actions.
  • The Company does not take responsibility for the taxation of any gifts or prizes that the user acquires based on shopping on Genorous 5.
  • The Company also does not take responsibility in the event of a violation of the rules described in the terms and conditions; purchases by minors who lied about their age when placing an order; adoption of false statements about shopping on Genorous 5, with which the user identified outside of these terms and conditions.
  • The Company is not responsible for damages incurred in the case of incorrectly filled out information when placing an order or during registration.
  • All events associated with shopping, for which the Company does not take responsibility, are fully the responsibility of the User.


  • The Company strives to respond to any inquiry sent by Users to the email address info@genorous5.com within 24 hours on working days. The Company provides technical support only to its Users. For this reason, it is advisable that each User sends messages from their registered email address.
  • The Company reserves the right to refuse support if it is determined that the User is misusing or in any way damaging the Company’s System. In such a case, the Company reserves the right to cancel the account of such a User.

Termination of Contract

  • The User may terminate the contractual relationship with the Company by sending a request to cancel the contract to the email address info@genorous5.com. The Company will then proceed to cancel the provided Services with immediate effect without the possibility of a refund. By canceling the Services, the User loses the ability to access the System, including access to the Profile with all its features and the potential ability to download purchased Products.
  • The Company may proceed to terminate the contract with the User in case of non-compliance with the Terms and Conditions or if it is determined that the User is attempting to gain access to the Company’s Products and Services in an unauthorized or illegal manner.
  • In the event that it is discovered that a User is attempting to use, or is using, the Services in violation of the Conditions, the Company reserves the right to block the User’s account until the nature of the problem is clarified. The Company reserves the right to cancel the User’s account in the event of non-cooperation on the part of the User during the investigation of such a problem. The consequence of the termination of the contract is the cancellation of the User’s account, meaning the User’s access to the System.
  • The Company reserves the right not to allow the re-creation of a new account for a User whose account has been canceled in the past.
  • The Company reserves the right to cancel a User’s account if it is found that the User has provided fraudulent information about their identity. In such a case, the User loses any rights to the purchased Products.

Claims, Exchanges, and Refunds

  • Given that the Product is an intangible, digital product, the Company cannot refund payment based on dissatisfaction with its content or execution. The Company provides a description and a sample of each Product to the greatest possible extent. Any supplement to this information can be requested by the User before making the payment by sending an inquiry to the email address info@genorous5.com.
  • All payment transactions are final and the Company does not offer an exchange of the Product. The User is responsible for acknowledging these conditions before making the payment for the Product.
  • In case of any claims or dissatisfaction with the Products, the User must contact the Company electronically at the email address info@genorous5.com. The Company will assess the claim in the shortest possible time, no later than 14 days from its receipt. However, it should be noted that the User is likely to receive a response that directly results from these terms and conditions.
  • The Company utilizes the possibility of out-of-court resolution of User complaints. In the event of complaints, the User can turn to the relevant Company representative free of charge via the email address info@genorous5.com. For complaints, it is possible to turn to a supervisory authority or state oversight body. The Slovak Trade Inspection processes out-of-court consumer complaints in a manner and under conditions set by the relevant legal regulations.

Personal Data and Personality Rights

  • By submitting the order, the User, as the data subject, voluntarily gives consent to the Company to process their personal data provided in the course of using the generous5.com website for the purpose of verifying the User’s identity and delivering the gift.
  • The Privacy Policy, the obligations of the Company, and the rights of the data subject in accordance with the REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, which repeals Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), and by law No. 18/2018 Coll. on the protection of personal data and on amendments to certain acts are stated in the Privacy Policy located at the bottom of the generous5.com website. The Company ensures the protection of Users’ personal data in accordance with applicable legal regulations. The User has all the rights of the data subject, in particular the right to request from the Company access to their personal data, the right to rectification of personal data, the right to erasure of personal data, the right to restriction of processing of personal data, the right to object to the processing of personal data, the right to data portability, the right to withdraw consent (if consent is the legal basis for processing), and the right to file a complaint with the Office for Personal Data Protection of the Slovak Republic.
  • The Company, Organizer, or Operator informs the User as the data subject in accordance with the principles of personal data protection as follows:

Controller of Personal Data:

DPWB s.r.o., IČO: 54783267, IČ DPH: 2121787195, spoločnosť zapísaná v obchodnom registri Okresného súdu banská Bystrica

Contact details: email info@generous5.com

Responsible Person: Samuel Šebök

  • Purpose of processing: Processing orders within Generous 5. Provision of personal data by the data subject is a requirement necessary for the purposes of identifying the User and delivering the gift. Without correct User information, it is not possible to deliver the gift to the User.
  • Legal basis for the processing of User information according to: Art. 6(1)(a), (b), (f) of the General Data Protection Regulation, Section 13(1)(a), (b), (f) of Act No. 18/2018 Coll. (consent of the data subject, processing for the performance of a contract, and processing necessary for the purposes of legitimate interests).

Legitimate interests of the Company:

  • The User, who is entitled to a gift but did not receive it due to non-compliance with the Company’s terms and conditions, may be contacted for the purpose of recording additional footage to create content for social networks and other platforms.
  • Categories of personal data of Users: telephone number and name, surname, permanent address, bank account number, date of birth, data on the legal representative, or other data for the purpose of delivering the gift; these data are subsequently obtained by the Company after the User’s entitlement to the gift arises, typically via email or telephone conversation.
  • Duration of Personal Data Storage: The operator stores user data for tax, accounting, archival, and marketing purposes. The data are not transferred to countries other than the company’s home country.
  • Each User, by purchasing on Generous 5, also grants the Company a royalty-free consent (permission) according to § 12 para. 1 of the Civil Code for the creation and use of their audio and visual recordings for the production, processing, and editing of audiovisual works used on social networks and other platforms. The Company is entitled to transfer this permission to a third party.
  • The User has no legal claim to the gift to which they are entitled based on the terms and conditions. The gift cannot be claimed, even through court proceedings. The User thus acknowledges that while the Company’s objective is to properly deliver the gift entitled under the terms and conditions, this may not occur if, for example, external factors prevent this act, there is a serious reason not to deliver the gift, or it turns out that the User acquired the entitlement in violation of the terms and conditions.
  • The Company does not reimburse participants in the competition for any costs incurred in connection with their purchases, or with the acquisition of the gift.
  • Generous5.com is an online store for end consumers. Granting a gift with a specific order or orders serves to support the promotional activities of the store, promote the development of social networks collaborating media content creators, and source the creation of audiovisual material for media content production. Granting gifts with a certain order or orders is not considered gambling under Act No. 30/2019 Coll. on gambling and on amendments to certain acts.
  • The Company reserves the right to decide on all matters concerning this competition at its own discretion and also reserves the right to at any time limit, postpone, interrupt, modify, or cancel the conditions for granting gifts with orders and the rules related thereto.
  • The Company is not responsible for any damages arising in connection with incorrect information provided by the User, or in connection with the non-application, non-collection, non-acceptance, renunciation, or non-use of the gift.
  • The Company is not responsible for the functionality of telephone and internet lines and devices, postal services, nor for any performances that it does not operate itself.
  • The customer may transfer their claim to the gift to a third party exclusively by means of a notarially certified power of attorney.
  • Users of Generous 5 can familiarize themselves with the terms and conditions on the Company’s website at www.generous5.com.
  • By paying for their order, Users express their agreement to abide by the points in these terms and conditions.
  • Aspects of the online store are governed by the relevant provisions of the Civil Code.
  • The gift is delivered to the User as soon as possible, following an agreement between the User and the Company. If the User does not respond to any inquiries or questions related to the delivery of the gift within 7 calendar days, the right to the gift is forfeited.

Final Provisions

  • The Company reserves the right to change the Terms and Conditions without prior notice. The new Terms and Conditions become effective upon their publication on the website generous5.com. The User is responsible for reviewing the Terms and Conditions and ensuring their continued acceptance.
  • Relationships and any disputes arising from the contract will be exclusively governed by the laws of the Slovak Republic and will be resolved by the competent courts of the Slovak Republic.
  • Any disputes between the Company and the User are preferably resolved out of court. In such a case, the User may contact an alternative dispute resolution entity, such as the Slovak Trade Inspection or resolve the dispute online via the designated ODR platform. More information about alternative dispute resolution can be found on the website of the Czech Trade Inspection Authority. Before proceeding with alternative dispute resolution, the User is obliged to contact the Company at the email address info@generous5.com, which will make an effort to resolve the existing situation.
  • The contract is concluded in the Slovak language. Should a translation of the contract text be required for the buyer’s needs, it is stipulated that in case of a dispute over the interpretation of terms, the interpretation of the contract in the Slovak language shall prevail.
  • These Terms and Conditions are governed by the legal order of the Slovak Republic, especially the Civil Code.

These Terms and Conditions shall come into effect on November 12, 2023.